Andrew playing in a cave.
18mm, 1/640, F/5.3, ISO 200
Took the photo and realized that we had found our geocach! It's the blurry pink square on the rocks. 18mm, 1/640, F/5.6, ISO 200
Our geocach!
18mm, 1/640, F/5, ISO 200Andrew climbing up to the geocach.
18mm, 1/640, F/4.5, ISO 200
Mary had a little lamb, little lamb...
18mm, 1/500, F/4.5, ISO 200
18mm, 1/500, F/4.5, ISO 200
According to the GPS we still have 27 feet to go!
18mm, 1/500, F/4.5, ISO 200
Brother Walton taking pictures.
18mm, 1/500, F/4.8, ISO 200 Some sick person put a dead snake in that bag.
18mm, 1/500, F/4.5, ISO 200 Idaho has some of the prettiest countryside.
18mm, 1/1000, F/5.6, ISO 320 Playing military.
18mm, 1/800, F/10, ISO320